Aveda: Switch to A Cruelty-Free Brand That Cares

Aveda Cruelty-free products bunny

We know that you millennials are far more conscious buyers than previous generations. You want to buy more sustainable and eco-friendly products, and this includes products that are cruelty-free. This is why brands like Aveda are becoming so popular, with their cruelty-free, naturally-derived products that are gentle on the skin and kind to the planet. We are so proud to say we use Aveda products in the salon, and we love them!

Why test on animals in the first place?

As a nation of animal lovers, most of us are appalled at the idea of using products that cause them suffering. Thankfully, in 1998, animal testing was banned in the UK, but many products made outside of the EU are still tested on animals.

The main reason animal testing happens is because government bodies need to prove whether certain ingredients are safe for people to use or not. But the truth is, ingredients have evolved, and many companies are using more naturally-derived ingredients in their products, so animal testing is unnecessary.

The benefits of choosing a cruelty-free brand

Well the obvious benefit is that animals don’t suffer. But there are also benefits for you. Most cruelty-free brands contain naturally-derived ingredients instead of potentially harmful chemicals that can cause skin irritation and more. So they’re better for your health, your conscience, and for our furry friends!

Aveda- a cruelty-free brand

The good news is that as a customer, you can choose to buy from cruelty-free brands and dictate the way the market develops. The more cruelty-free brands you support, the more they grow, and the companies who are using cruel and outdated animal testing practices get left behind.

Aveda is a cruelty-free brand that never tests on animals and never ask other companies to do so either. All of its products are tested on people.

Its cruelty-free brand status is an important part of its mission to care for the world in which it operates-and this includes animals.

Aveda’s biggest achievements

  • In 1989, Aveda was the first company to sign the Ceres Principles for corporate responsibility, which focuses on safeguarding the earth, its people, and animals.
  • The majority of Aveda’s products contain no ingredients that are derived from animals. The very small number that do might contain beeswax, honey, or whey-based protein.
  • The company’s manufacturing plant in Blaine, Minnesota is certified as a wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation. It worked with the federation to produce ‘drive with care’ signs to protect animals living on or around the site.
  • Aveda works with a bird conservation charity called Audubon Minnesota to protect bird nesting habitats at the manufacturing plant. The work they’ve done together includes the construction of a chimney swift house, a purple martin house, wood duck nesting boxes, and bluebird houses.
  • Aveda has also supported the charity’s Upper Mississippi River Initiative through the Aveda Earth Month programme since 2007. The company has funded work to improve and maintain water quality to protect the river habitats of birds and other animals.
  • Aveda sponsors the Aveda Butterfly Garden at the Minnesota Zoo. Aveda subsidises the garden so that people can visit for free and learn about the importance of protecting butterflies and other insects that pollinate plants.
  • Since 2010, Aveda has collected old mobile phones from its employees to donate to Minnesota Zoo’s Recycle for Rainforest Project. Funding from the programme supports Ape conservation projects in Africa.
  • Aveda donated to the Animal Humane Society after the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and to the National Wildlife Federation after the terrible Gulf Oil spill.
  • Aveda practices bee-friendly gardening at its headquarters in Blaine, Minnesota.
  • Its gift boxes are made from handmade paper from Nepal, which is Certified Wildlife Friendly® by the Wildlife Friendly Enterprise Network. By using this paper, Aveda has helped to protect 34,000 acres of forest, which is the habitat of 21 endangered species, including the grey wolf, snow leopard and wild yak.

Find Aveda cruelty-free products in salon

Next time you’re in salon, try some cruelty-free Aveda products for yourself. From haircare to makeup, and skincare that’s gentle on your skin, smells gorgeous, and is kind to animals and our precious planet, you’ll be converted from the first use.

If you want to find out more about Aveda’s environmentally-friendly and socially-responsible credentials, click here.


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