How to Swim With Your Wig On

woman in swimming pool

The world is slowly reopening after coronavirus and that means that we can start doing some of our normal activities again. If you’re a water baby and you love a dip in the pool whether it’s at the local leisure centre or on your holidays, the good news is that pretty soon, you’ll be able to do both!

But what about swimming when you wear a wig? You might think that some activities are a no go when you wear a wig, but luckily, you can wear one when you hit the pool. Here’s how to swim with your wig on.

Test it first

To feel confident when you’re swimming with your wig on, you need to test it in water first to see how secure it is and whether you feel comfortable. If you have a large enough bath, go in wearing your wig and submerge your head in the water. Move your head to replicate the kind of movements you’d be doing if you were swimming and see what happens. This is a good chance to see which adhesives do the job and stop your wig from slipping off. You can buy waterproof tape and glue so test a couple of different ones until you find one you’re happy with.

Don’t wear your best wig to go swimming

You can expect your wig to get some wear and tear from your usual activities, but activities like swimming can be harsh on them. Public pools are full of chlorine and fresh water pools are packed with salt, so they can really dry wigs out. My advice; if you want to wear a wig when you go swimming, choose a synthetic one rather than your beautiful human hair wig.

Style long wigs for swimming

Braids and ponytails are perfect styles for swimming if you have a long hair wig. Styling your wig like this can stop the hair from becoming tangled or matted.

For peace of mind, wear a swimming cap

If you still want to wear your wig when you swim, but you don’t want to expose it fully to the water or the elements if you’re outdoors, you can wear a swimming cap for that extra bit of security. Getting in the water is all about relaxing, having fun, and staying active, but you won’t enjoy it if you’re constantly worried about your wig coming off.

Wash and condition your wig as soon as you get out of the water

If your wig has been exposed to chlorine, salty air, or sand, it’s really important that you wash and condition it with the right products to prevent damage. If your wig has a cap, be sure to wash that thoroughly too, so no leftover residue irritates your scalp. To prevent your wig from drying out after swimming, you also need to use a hydrating conditioner on it. After rinsing, hang your wig on a wig stand and let it air dry before storing it safely.

Yes, you can swim in a wig, and you can do a lot of other things as well!

If you suffer from hair loss, whatever the cause, you want to feel confident and beautiful. Wearing a wig or other hair system will help you do just that, and the good news is, you won’t have to stop living your life to the full just because you wear a wig!

Get in touch to find out how we can help you on your journey to happy healthy hair!


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